Bija Mantra Meditation
(A Powerful Chakra Mantra Sound Meditation Technique That Use
Sounds To Open And To Balance 7 chakras)

Bija Mantra Meditation– Mantras hold a sacred significance in Hindu tradition, as they are considered to be powerful tools for the mind. The word “mantra” itself is derived from Sanskrit, with “man” meaning mind or thought, and “tra” meaning instrument or means. By chanting mantras, one can create vibrations that resonate through the energetic centers of the body. There are various ways to chant a mantra, whether it be mentally visualizing the letters, softly chanting with the lips, or even chanting in a low tone. These mantras work by harnessing the power of vibration within the practitioner, leading to improved concentration and control over the mind. However, silent mantra meditation proves to be the most effective method for achieving a higher state of mental peace and consciousness.
Another type of mantra known as the “Bija akshara” or Seed Mantra is particularly useful for awakening the dormant energy centers, also known as chakras, within the body. By activating these seven energetic centers through Chakra Bija Mantra Meditation, one can tap into the existing energy within themselves. Each mantra within this collection of Sanskrit words possesses a “Bija” mantra, which has the ability to transform the mind by activating specific energy centers in the brain. When chanted aloud or in a normal tone, these mantras create vibrations within the energy centers, allowing for better control over emotional tendencies. In the realms of yoga and tantra, these seven energy centers are referred to as chakras. Therefore, when we chant a chakra bija mantra, the corresponding chakra is activated, heightening our awareness of its unique characteristics. Additionally, the vibrations created during chanting help align these chakras, further enhancing their functionality.
Here Is The List Of Sounds We Use In Each Chakra While Doing Bija Mantra Meditation:
- Root Chakra -Traditional Name: Mooladhara.
Focus on the base of the spine below the spinal cord and near the anus.
Chant the sound LAM. - Sacral Chakra – Traditional Name: Svadhishtana Chakra.
Focus your attention on the sacral bone (i.e., in the lower back)
Chant the sound VAM. - Solar Plexus Chakra – Traditional Name: Manipura Chakra.
Here, focus on the navel area, located on the spine. Though this is called as Navel Chakra, it is a bit above the navel.
Chant the sound RAM. - Heart Chakra – Traditional Name: Anahata Chakra.
Focus your attention at the level of the heart – Heart Chakra.
Chant the sound YAM. - Throat Chakra – Traditional Name: Vishuddhi Chakra.
Focus on the throat area, the area just below the throat.
Chant the sound HAM. - Third Eye Chakra – Traditional Name: Ajna Chakra.
Concentrate on the area between the eyebrows.
Chant the sound OM or AUM. - Crown Chakra- Traditional Name: Sahasrara Chakra.
Concentrate on the top of the head, particularly the center.
No sound complete “Silence”
Meditation Tips Before We Get Started…
- It is essential to be in a comfortable and a relaxed position before beginning any meditation practice.
- The place chosen for meditation practice must be calm, quiet, have a free flow of air and must be free from any external disturbances.
- Sitting posture must be perfect for meditation. Neck should be straight, spine upright, and erect.
- Head should be straight like you are watching someone in front of you, this allows your mind to calm down.
- Keep eyes closed throughout, no strain should be felt in neck or facial muscles, also try to relax your shoulders, arms, and thighs before meditation.
Preparation Stage (Dance For 10 Minutes)
Get ready for the ultimate warm-up session before diving into chakra sound meditation! I highly recommend cranking up some energizing dance tunes and letting your body groove freely with your eyes closed. Surrender yourself to the dance, allowing your body to take the lead entirely. Don’t worry about controlling your movements; simply immerse yourself in the rhythm and let the music guide you. After ten minutes of dancing bliss, find a comfortable spot to sit and unwind for 5 to 7 minutes. Then, you’ll be all set to embark on your Chakra Sound Meditation journey. Let the transformation begin!
Chakra Meditation Techniques – using Chakra vowel sound
2 minutes shall be dedicated to concentrate on each chakra by gently making the vowel sound of that chakra.
Stage No 1 (Muladhara – Root Chakra)
- Sit straight in a comfortable posture. You can place the hands on knees, keeping palms up or down.
- Bring your awareness to the body and stay in that state for a few moments.
- Bring your awareness & attention on the perineum: the region located in between the genital and anus.
- It may take several seconds to find the location and for settling down the mind.
- Tone with the deepest “LAM”, as in “LAAM”; keep repeating a very low guttural sound “LAM” “LAM” “LAM” by gently riding on your breath. Continue to repeat the vowel sound in the natural speed.
- After repeating for around 10 times, there can be a feeling that you want to pause or to continue by itself. In case the sound pauses, let it resume by its own speed.
- In the both cases, your awareness & attention has to be on the perineum: the region located in between the genital and anus. Send this sound into your Root chakra.
- Visualizing red colour along with attention on root chakra (perineum) will enhance the experience.
- Perform mulabandha while breathing in. (while breathing in contract the perineum, the location in between the genital and anus)
- Let go of mulabandha while breathing out. (While breathing out release the contraction of perineum).
- During chanting the vowels sound stay present & let your whole body be relaxed without any tension.
- Continue repeating this sound “LAM” “LAM” “LAM” for 2 minutes.
Stage No 2 (Swadisthana – Sacral Chakra)
- Bring your awareness & attention on the sacral chakra at the sacral bone (on the lower back). Let the awareness & attention of the mind be anywhere in this location.
- Sacral Chakra is located about 2-3 inches below the navel. It may take several seconds to find the location and for settling down the mind.
- Tone using a higher pitched but still deep “VAM” “VAM” “VAM”, as in “you”. Keep repeating a deep sound “VAM” “VAM” “VAM” by gently riding on your breath. Continue to repeat the vowel sound in the natural speed.
- After repeating for around 10 times, there can be a feeling that you want to pause or to continue by itself. In case the sound pauses, let it resume by its own speed.
- In the both cases, your awareness & attention has to be on the sacral bone (on the lower back). Send this sound into your Sacral chakra.
- Visualizing orange colour along with attention on sacral chakra (sacrum) will enhance the experience.
- During chanting the vowels sound stay present & let your whole body be relaxed without any tension.
- Continue repeating this sound “VAM” “VAM” “VAM” for 2 minutes.
Stage No 3 (Manipura – Solar Plexus Chakra)
- Bring your awareness & attention on the third chakra (Solar Plexus) – located above the navel. Let the awareness & attention of the mind be anywhere in this location.
- Solar Plexus Chakra is located above the navel. It may take several seconds to find the location and for settling down the mind.
- Tone using a higher pitched “RAM”, as in “go. Keep repeating a deep sound “RAM” “RAM” “RAM” by gently riding on your breath. Continue to repeat the vowel sound in the natural speed.
- After repeating for around 10 times, there can be a feeling that you want to pause or to continue by itself. In case the sound pauses, let it resume by its own speed.
- In the both cases, your awareness & attention has to be on the solar plexus (above the navel). Send this sound into your Solar Plexus chakra.
- Visualizing yellow colour along with attention on solar plexus chakra (solar plexus) will enhance the experience.
- During chanting the vowels sound stay present & let your whole body be relaxed without any tension.
- Continue repeating this sound “RAM” “RAM” “RAM” for 2 minutes.
Stage No 4 (Anahata – Heart Chakra)
- Bring your awareness & attention on the fourth chakra (Heart Chakra) – located in the middle of your chest. Let the awareness & attention of the mind be anywhere in this location.
- Heart Chakra is located in the centre of the chest between the breast. It may take several seconds to find the location and for settling down the mind. Tone using a higher pitched “YAM”, as in “ma”. Keep repeating a deep sound “YAM” “YAM” “YAM” by gently riding on your breath. Continue to repeat the vowel sound in the natural speed.
- Chanting the sound of Heart chakra is connected with deep and gentle open mouth breathing – while breathing out you add the vowel sound – following your own rhythm (recommended rhythm is around 1.5 to 2.5 seconds of breathing in & 1.5 to 2.5 seconds of breathing out without gaps).
- After repeating for around 10 times, there can be a feeling that you want to pause or to continue by itself. In case the sound pauses, let it resume by its own speed.
- In the both cases, your awareness & attention has to be on the heart (in the centre of your chest). Send this sound into your Heart chakra.
- Visualizing green colour along with attention on heart chakra (centre of the chest) will enhance the experience.
- With each breath feel the relaxation in the space of your heart.
- While breathing in assume that the space around the chest is expanding.
- While breathing out assume that the space around the chest is contracting.
- While breathing in & out stay present & connected with the heart. Feel what’s happening inside.
- This chakra is associated with the air element. So, be aware of the feeling of air with that sound.
- During chanting the vowels sound stay present & let your whole body be relaxed without any tension.
- Continue repeating this sound “YAM” “YAM” “YAM” for 2 minutes.
Stage No 5 (Vishuddhi – Throat Chakra)
- Bring your awareness & attention on the fifth chakra (Throat Chakra) – located in the throat. Let the awareness & attention of the mind be anywhere in this location.
- Throat Chakra is located in the throat area between the chin and the top of the sternum. It may take several seconds to find the location and for settling down the mind.
- Tone using a higher pitched “HAM”. Keep repeating a deep sound “HAM” “HAM” “HAM” by gently riding on your breath. Continue to repeat the vowel sounds from 1.5 to 2.5 seconds each.
- Let the vowel sound “HAM” “HAM” “HAM” vibrate in your throat region.
- After repeating for around 10 times, there can be a feeling that you want to pause or to continue by itself. In case the sound pauses, let it resume by its own speed.
- In the both cases, your awareness & attention has to be on the throat (between the chin and the top of the sternum). Send this sound into your Throat chakra.
- Visualizing blue colour along with attention on throat chakra (throat area) will enhance the experience.
- This chakra is the location for the emergence of space for all the cosmic elements like air, water, fire and earth.
- During chanting the vowels sound stay present & let your whole body be relaxed without any tension.
- Continue repeating this sound “HAM” “HAM” “HAM” for 2 minutes.
Stage No 6 (Ajna – Third Eye Chakra)
- Bring your awareness & attention on the sixth chakra (Third Eye Chakra)located in the space between eyebrows. Let the awareness & attention of the mind be anywhere in this location.
- Throat Chakra is located in the middle of the forehead slightly above the eyes. It may take several seconds to find the location and for settling down the mind.
- Tone using a higher pitched “AUM” as in the word “OM”. Keep repeating a deep sound “AUM” “AUM” “AUM” by gently riding on your breath. Continue to repeat the vowel sounds from 1.5 to 2.5 seconds each.
- Chant the vowel sounds “AUM” “AUM” “AUM” carefully, gently & softly with love – just like a small child.
- After repeating for around 10 times, there can be a feeling that you want to pause or to continue by itself. In case the sound pauses, let it resume by its own speed.
- In the both cases, your awareness & attention has to be on the third eye (space between eyebrows). Send this sound into your Third Eye chakra.
- Visualizing indigo colour along with attention on third eye chakra (between eyebrows) will enhance the experience.
- Feel that the space is filled with this sound, and its waves start creating vibration.
- During chanting the vowels sound stay present & let your whole body be relaxed without any tension.
- Continue repeating this sound “AUM” “AUM” “AUM” very gently for 2 minutes.
Stage No 7 (Sahasrara – Crown Chakra)
- Bring your awareness & attention on the seventh chakra (Crown Chakra) – located on the top of the head. Let the awareness & attention of the mind be anywhere in this location.
- Throat Chakra is located on the top of the head at center. It may take several seconds to find the location and for settling down the mind.
- Tone using the highest pitched “Silence” sound, as in “me”. Keep repeating a deep sound “Silence” inside your consciousness.
- Chant internally (outside you don’t make any sound) by gently riding on your breath. Continue to repeat the vowel sounds from 2 to 3 seconds each.
- After repeating for around 10 times, there can be a feeling that you want to pause or to continue by itself. In case the sound pauses, let it resume by its own speed.
- In the both cases, your awareness & attention has to be on the crown (top of the head). Send this sound into your Crown chakra.
- Visualizing violet colour along with attention on crown chakra (on top of the head) will enhance the experience.
- During chanting the vowels sound stay present & let your whole body be relaxed without any tension.
- Continue repeating this sound of “Silence” very gently for 2 minutes.
Stage no 8
After reaching the top, return through all seven chakras in a total of 2 minutes.
Stage no 9
Once your awareness reaches down to your root chakra slowly lie down in Shavasana with complete silence, eyes closed. Just remain in silence and don’t focus on anything in particular. Allow yourself to become aware and watch whatever is happening inside your body. Just relax and be a witness to experience.
Exam Questions and Answers
- What is the significance of mantras in Hindu tradition?
a. Decorative symbols
b. Powerful tools for the mind
c. Physical exercises
d. Ritualistic gestures
Correct Answer: b. Powerful tools for the mind - What does the term “mantra” mean in Sanskrit?
a. Sacred text
b. Mind or thought
c. Temple
d. Offering
Correct Answer: b. Mind or thought - What is the primary method mentioned for chanting mantras?
a. Loudly chanting with the lips
b. Visualizing the letters mentally
c. Whispering in a low tone
d. All of the above
Correct Answer: d. All of the above - Which type of mantra is useful for awakening dormant energy centers (chakras) in the body?
a. Tantric Mantra
b. Vedic Mantra
c. Bija Akshara or Seed Mantra
d. Shanti Mantra
Correct Answer: c. Bija Akshara or Seed Mantra - What is the purpose of chanting chakra bija mantras?
a. Entertainment
b. Better control over emotional tendencies
c. Physical exercise
d. Intellectual stimulation
Correct Answer: b. Better control over emotional tendencies - In Chakra Bija Mantra Meditation, what sound is associated with the Throat Chakra?
a. YAM
b. LAM
c. RAM
d. HAM
Correct Answer: a. YAM - Which chakra is associated with the area between the eyebrows?
a. Solar Plexus Chakra
b. Sacral Chakra
c. Third Eye Chakra
d. Crown Chakra
Correct Answer: c. Third Eye Chakra
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