Sankalp Meditation
(Tantra Yoga Kriya To Develop Will Power)

The power of will is the driving force behind our ability to carry out our decisions, wishes, and plans. SanKalp, on the other hand, is a powerful statement that signifies a deep commitment. In Sanskrit, “san” represents the connection between our inner selves and the ultimate truth, while “kalpa” refers to a statement and a commitment. Essentially, “Sankalpa” can be any positive habit, behavior, goal, desire, or activity that we want to incorporate into our daily lives.
Through SanKalp meditation, we can unlock and explore our goals, utilizing them for the greater good and divine purposes in our lives. The stronger our desire, the greater the likelihood of it manifesting. This meditation technique relies on visualization and imagination to bring about the actions or activities we wish to see happen.
Will power is a crucial quality of the mind that is essential for any endeavor in life. By increasing our will power, we naturally enhance our self-confidence.
Often, our conscious mind’s dreams, desires, and wishes differ from those of our body. We may know exactly what needs to be done to achieve our goals, but our body may resist taking the necessary actions. Our bodies can be lazy and caught up in unproductive behavior patterns that hinder our progress.
Sankalpa meditation serves as a technique to send a clear message to every cell in our body, asserting that we are the masters of our lives and that we are determined to achieve our desired outcomes.
Meditation Tips Before We Get Started…
• It is essential to be in a comfortable and a relaxed position before beginning any meditation practice.
• The place chosen for meditation practice must be calm, quiet, have a free flow of air and must be free from any external disturbances.
How To Do This Meditation
• Begin by lying down on your back, with your arms and legs perpendicular to your shoulders. This position, known as the corpse pose or Shavasana, will help you relax and unwind.
• Close your eyes and ensure that your spine is straight. This will allow for optimal energy flow throughout your body.
• Take a moment to let go of any tension in your body. Allow yourself to fully relax and surrender to the present moment.
• Take a few deep breaths, allowing your breath to flow naturally. With each exhale, release any remaining tension and quiet your mind.
• Now, set your intention. Clearly and consciously focus on the message you want to send to your body and subconscious mind. For example, if you desire to deepen your meditation, hold your breath in while inhaling for as long as you can.
• Repeat your intention silently in your mind, allowing it to resonate within your consciousness.
“I want to go deeper into my meditation.”
“I want to go deeper into my meditation.”
“I want to go deeper into my meditation.”
• Hold your breath and continue repeating your intention for as long as you can.
• Slowly exhale and hold your breath out.
• Once again, repeat your intention silently in your mind.
“I want to go deeper into my meditation.”
“I want to go deeper into my meditation.”
“I want to go deeper into my meditation.”
• Hold your breath and repeat your intention for as long as you can.
• Repeat this cycle four more times. Each cycle consists of inhaling and holding your breath, followed by exhaling and holding your breath out.
Another variation of this meditation is to bring to mind all the positive aspects of your life while holding your breath in or out. Remember and cherish the good things, events, and memories that bring you joy and gratitude. Unlock the transformative power of meditation and embark on a journey of self-discovery and inner peace.
Special Remark:
Don’t say anything what you don’t want. For example, you can’t say
“I don’t want to get up late in the morning “. You should say “I want to get up early in the morning”
Have respect for this meditation technique as it is ancient tantric kriya used for thousands of years to go deeper into meditation & set the goal clearly on what you want to achieve in life.
For a variety of meditation techniques, Click here
Exam Questions and Answers
- What does “SanKalp” represent in Sanskrit?
a) A conscious mind’s dreams and desires
b) The connection between inner selves and the ultimate truth
c) Unproductive behavior patterns
d) The manifestation of positive habits
Correct Answer: b) The connection between inner selves and the ultimate truth - Which meditation technique relies on visualization and imagination to bring about desired actions or activities?
a) Shavasana
b) Sankalpa meditation
c) Corpse pose
d) Tantric kriya
Correct Answer: b) Sankalpa meditation - What is the purpose of Sankalpa meditation in relation to the body?
a) To encourage lazy behavior patterns
b) To resist taking necessary actions
c) To assert mastery over one’s life and achieve desired outcomes
d) To hinder progress in meditation
Correct Answer: c) To assert mastery over one’s life and achieve desired outcomes - What is the initial position recommended for Sankalpa meditation?
a) Sitting cross-legged
b) Standing upright
c) Lying down on the back in Shavasana
d) Kneeling on the floor
Correct Answer: c) Lying down on the back in Shavasana - What should be the state of the chosen place for meditation practice?
a) Busy and crowded
b) Calm, quiet, and free from external disturbances
c) Dimly lit
d) Lack of air circulation
Correct Answer: b) Calm, quiet, and free from external disturbances - How many times is the intention repeated during each cycle of the meditation?
a) Once
b) Twice
c) Three times
d) Four times
Correct Answer: d) Four times - What caution is given regarding expressing desires during the meditation technique?
a) Encourage saying what you don’t want
b) Prioritize conscious mind’s dreams
c) Respectfully express unproductive behavior patterns
d) Avoid stating desires in the negative
Correct Answer: d) Avoid stating desires in the negative
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