You should find a place which enhances meditation. For example, sitting under a tree will help. Rather than going and sitting in front of a movie house or going to the railway station and sitting on the platform, go to nature, to the mountains, to the trees, to the rivers where tao is still flowing, vibrating, pulsating, streaming all around. Trees are in constant meditation. Silent, unconscious, is that meditation. I’m not saying to become a tree; you have to become a buddha! But Buddha has one thing in common with the tree: he’s as green as a tree, as full of juice as a tree, as celebrating as a tree—of course with a difference. He is conscious, the tree is unconscious. The tree is unconsciously in tao; a buddha is consciously in tao. And that is a great difference, the difference between the earth and the sky. But if you sit by the side of a tree surrounded by beautiful birds singing, or a peacock dancing, or just a river flowing, and the sound of running water, or by the side of a waterfall, and the great music of it…. Find a place where nature has not yet been disturbed, polluted. If you cannot find such a place, then just close your doors and sit in your own room.
If it is possible, have a special room for meditation in your house. Just a small corner will do, but especially for meditation. Why especially for meditation? Because every kind of act creates its own vibration. If you simply meditate in that place, that place becomes meditative. Every day you meditate it absorbs your vibration when you are in meditation. Next day when you come, those vibrations start falling back on you. They help, they reciprocate, they respond. When a person has really become a meditator he can meditate sitting before a movie house, he can meditate on the railway platform. For fifteen years I was continuously traveling around the country, continuously traveling—day in, day out, day in, day out, year in, year out— always on a train, on a plane, in a car. That makes no difference. Once you have become really rooted in your being, nothing makes a difference. But this is not for the beginner. When the tree has become rooted, let winds come and let rains come and let clouds thunder; it is all good. It gives integrity to the tree. But when the tree is small, tender, then even a small child is dangerous enough, or just a cow passing by, that is enough to destroy it.

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