Really, when you try the right method it clicks immediately. So I will go on talking about methods here every day. You try them. Just play with them: go home and try. The right method, whenever you happen upon it, just clicks. Something explodes in you, and you know that “This is the right method for me.” But effort is needed, and you may be surprised that suddenly one day one method has gripped you. I have found that while you are playing, your mind is more open. While you are serus your mind is not so open; it is closed. So just play. Do not be too serious, just play. And these methods are simple. You can just play with them. Take one method: play with it for at least three days. If it gives you a certain feeling of affinity, if it gives you a certain feeling of well-being, if it gives you a certain feeling that this is for you, then be serious about it. Then forget the other Do not play with other methods; stick to it—at least for three months. Miracles are possible. The only thing is that the technique must be for you. If the technique is not for you, then nothing happens. Then you may go on with it for lives together, but nothing will happen. If the method is for you, then even three minutes are enough.
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