Every person projects some kind of vibration to those around him. Some people are a pleasure to be with. They seem to have a certain prana, or energy, that they share with others. Then there are those who are negative and depressed, and they seem to actually draw prana out of people in their environment. The reason for this is that there is a power contained in thought. It is very subtle, yet it does exist and it is extremely powerful. Whether a person is aware of it or not, he is constantly transmitting and receiving thoughts. This is why people have experiences of ESP from time to time. Some wish to call these experiences coincidence, but they are not. The ability to communicate and perceive thought is developed to a higher degree in those who are said to be psychic, or to have great intuitive abilities. Every thought has weight, shape, size, form, color, quality, and power.

An experienced meditator can see all these aspects directly with his inner eye. For example, a spiritual thought has a yellow color, while a thought charged with anger and hatred is dark red. A thought is like an object. Just as an apple can be given to your friend, or taken back, so also it is possible to give a useful, powerful thought to someone and take it back. Good and evil, friend and enemy, are in the mind only. Every man creates a world of virtue and vice, pleasure and pain, out of his own imagination. These qualities do not proceed from the objects themselves; they belong to the attitude of the mind. One man’s joy is another man’s burden. Thoughts control one’s life, mold one’s character, shape one’s destiny, and affect all other people. When the potential contained in the power of thought is realized, it is the beginning of great spiritual growth in the individual and all of humanity.
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