Look at a bowl or any other vessel, without seeing its partitions. From the moment one is absorbed into space, one will be full of space.
Verse 59
How to do this technique

- Look at the space inside a bowl. Try and see only the space and not the bowl. The side and the base are the partitions of the bowl.
- One has to concentrate on the space inside the bowl, without seeing the base or the side of the bowl. Initially, one may see space and the bowl. Gradually the bowl may become fainter and fainter. There comes a moment when the bowl disappears, and one only sees space. That is the moment the mind disappears, and one is liberated.
- From the moment one is absorbed into space, one will be full of space. This is the moment one only sees space. Absorbed into space means, only space is seen. The bowl has disappeared. one will be full of space.
- One becomes all pervasive. When a person is liberated, they are no longer limited to the body. They become all pervasive like space. Just as space exists everywhere, they too exist everywhere. A liberated person no longer feels separate. They feel one with all of creation. They realize the truth of their nature – that they are One with everything. That is why they are all pervasive. They now exist everywhere.
- In Reality, there is only One. There is no division. Through the senses, we see division.
- The moment we are liberated, we see the unity in all things. We don’t see any division. The mind is our main data processor. The mind processes the data received by the eye, and then we see objects.
- The moment the mind disappears, the object we are looking at disappears. That is why the bowl disappears, and we see only space. After a few moments, the bowl again reappears, but by then one is liberated. All “looking” techniques such as these, should be done after removing spectacles or contact lenses. They should also be done without blinking the eyes. If the eyes feel tired, close them for a brief period. Then reopen the eyes and continue the practice.
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