By closing all the senses, the Energy of Life rises up gradually through the center of the spine, and one feels a tingling sensation like that of an ant moving on one. Utmost joy then spreads all over.
Verse 67
How to do this technique

There are two interpretations of this verse.
- First, one can practice this as sitting meditation.
- With the fingers of the hand, close the openings of the senses in the face.
- The thumbs should close the ears, the forefingers the eyes, the middle fingers the nose, and the ring fingers and the little fingers close the lips, by being placed above and below it respectively.
- From time to time, the middle fingers will need to be relaxed, so that the nostrils are opened and one can breathe. By shutting the sense organs, consciousness cannot flow out. It is redirected to the center within. This causes Kundalini, the basic energy of life, to rise through the center of the spine to the top of the head. When this energy reaches the top of the head, one is liberated.
- When Kundalini starts its ascent up the spine, a person feels a tingling sensation like that of an ant moving on one’s body. Then, one feels the bliss of liberation.
- This verse should be interpreted in a more general sense. Closing all the senses means that one should not be affected by all the various inputs received from the sense organs. One should not be disturbed by what one sees, hears smells, touches, etc.
The great sage Patanjali in his Yoga Sutras described this stage as Pratyahara. It is a stage when the external world no longer affects you. It is a stage that every aspirant has to cross, to realize her true nature.
Emotional Sensitivity and Suffering

Today, we would simply call it emotional control. To become one with God, we have to have control over our emotions. We have to attain detachment from the external world. It is a state of true freedom. The external world no longer controls us. We now control the external world. Normally we react to our external environment. If there are certain events taking place in our life that we like, we are happy. If there are events that we dislike, then we are unhappy. When people have control over their emotions, they are happy irrespective of their external circumstances. They are no longer reactive. They are now constant in their response to their external situation. Emotional sensitivity is one of the main causes of suffering.
Today, we would simply call it emotional control. To become one with God, we have to have control over our emotions. We have to attain detachment from the external world. It is a state of true freedom. The external world no longer controls us. We now control the external world. Normally we react to our external environment. If there are certain events taking place in our life that we like, we are happy. If there are events that we dislike, then we are unhappy. When people have control over their emotions, they are happy irrespective of their external circumstances. They are no longer reactive. They are now constant in their response to their external situation. Emotional sensitivity is one of the main causes of suffering.
The more sensitive we are to the external world, the more we suffer. This applies to everyone, irrespective of their social status or position in society. For example, film stars and sports athletes are amongst the most successful and famous people in the world. They have everything most people could ask for – fame and fortune. Yet, some of their personal lives are in shambles. This is because they are deeply attached to the senses, and the pleasures obtained through them. Then, one can react strongly to the external environment, especially when things are not happening as per one’s expectations. When we have control over our emotions, we have control over our senses. That is when we have closed the doors of the senses, as the verse suggests. And that is when we realize our true nature.
Controlling the Emotions
How does one control one’s emotions or detach oneself from the external world? There are many methods suggested in the text. One possible way is to understand that the greatest possible joy one experiences, one experiences within. This was mentioned earlier in Verse 15. The joy we find outside is nothing compared to the joy we find inside. Our joy or happiness is not dependent on external circumstances. Even if our external situation changes, we will always find a constant and abundant source of joy within. When we deeply understand this truth, we let go of our attachment to the outside world. We can live freely, knowing that whatever we need to be happy, we have within ourselves. Detachment from the external world is important to achieve.
If we are overly concerned with the external world, we will not be able to still the mind. It becomes difficult to detach from external events when we face a crisis. When we lose a job or face a financial crisis, or when a loved one needs urgent medical help, it becomes difficult to detach ourselves and stop our minds from thinking. Our loved ones are our responsibility, and in a crisis shouldn’t we be thinking and worrying, and trying to solve our problems? Yoga says no it is not necessary to think or to worry while facing a crisis. It is important to remain calm and peaceful. You will find that when you do not let external events disturb you, the external conditions of your life change by themselves for the better. The philosophy of non-dualism explains that there is only one energy that takes different forms. Whatever energy we give out comes back to us. When we are thinking or worrying or experiencing any other negative emotions, we are only attracting more negative events into our lives. The fastest way to change an undesirable condition in our lives is not by thinking or worrying or doing something, it is by changing the negative energy that caused the condition. We do this by changing our emotions or what we are being. When we are being something positive like peaceful or happy, we attract events in our life that make us feel peaceful and happy. Therefore in the face of any problem, do not focus on it. Remain detached, and change what you are being to something positive. You will also discover that when you remain aware and peaceful and stop the mind from thinking, you can access the great wisdom that you have within you. An idea or a thought will suddenly surface, which will help you solve your problem, or help you move forward in your life. One must develop a sense of trust in the universe, the process of life, or God (you may use any word to describe Ultimate Reality). God takes care of us and brings us all that we need. There is a very good reason why this happens. God is not separate from us. We are always a part of God, we are always a part of the Supreme Reality. Therefore, the Supreme Reality takes care of us. If we were separate, then we would have to fend for ourselves. When we are part of a Higher Reality, the Higher Reality takes care of us. This is an important point to remember when we are facing a crisis. Do not worry and do not fear. Trust. There will be highs and lows in life, but we are not alone in this process, and we have nothing to fear. Detachment, and trust. These are two important words that one must understand. They can transform your life.
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