Whenever great joy is obtained, ·or when joy arises on seeing a friend or relative after a long time, one should meditate on that joy. Then the mind will be absorbed into joy.
Verse 71
Sense Organs- Minor Energy Center

Kashmir master Abhinavagupta in his book Tantra/oka, calls the sense organs minor energy centers. Sometimes through the sense organs, one obtains joy or pleasure. Usually, the pleasure obtained is not sufficiently intense to awaken the main center within. However, by focussing on that pleasure, by being aware of it, it is possible to trigger an internal reaction that awakens our main center and liberates us.
How to do this Technique
Whenever great joy is obtained, or when joy arises on seeing a friend or relative after a long time, one should meditate on that joy. Whenever you experience a great amount of joy, be aware of it. When you suddenly see an old friend or relative after a long time, you immediately feel an abundance of joy. Usually, we forget about the joy and concentrate on talking to our old friends. This verse says, forget the friend and concentrate on the joy; be aware of this joy. If there is no awareness of this joy, then this opportunity for liberation has been lost. One does not meet an old friend or relative every day. Therefore, whenever one obtains joy, one should concentrate on it. The joy can be from any cause. These verses all emphasize what we are being. What we are doing is at the periphery. What we are being been at the center. Being something positive – happy, joyful, loving, can transform us. If we are being joyful, happy, or loving for extended periods, we can be liberated.
It is important to understand that this joy is inherent in us. It is our basic nature (Verse 1 5, 1 6). An external factor may trigger the release of this joy. Yet no external factor is necessary. One can be joyful regardless of the external situation in one’s life. Then the mind will be absorbed into joy. If we are being joyful, and we are aware of this joy, there will come a moment when we are liberated. At that moment, the mind will disappear. One will then feel an incredible amount of joy. This joy will be permanent. One will perpetually remain in a state of joy and awareness. Before liberation, we are aware or joyful for short periods. After liberation, we will permanently reside in this state. All that happens is that our true nature is uncovered through this process.
Free Flow of joy

Our true nature is joy. It is our mind that has prevented this joy from continuously being expressed. When there is no mind, our true nature flows out freely. It is like a dam that has been broken, and an abundance of water now flows out. In the same way, joy will be flowing freely from us into the world. A liberated person will sing, dance, and love unconditionally. She is finally free and has realized her true nature. All the happiness she was looking for, she has found within. The external world will no longer be required for finding joy, but for expressing her joy.
Your article gave me a lot of inspiration, I hope you can explain your point of view in more detail, because I have some doubts, thank you.