From the pleasure of eating and drinking, one experiences joy blossoming. One should become filled with that state of joy. Then great joy will be obtained.
Verse 72
Liberation by focussing on Senses

The tantric sexual meditations are a part of a larger category of practices based on unity. Sometimes, when two objects unite (a man and a woman), joy is experienced. By focussing on that joy, one can be liberated. This is true of all sense organs and their objects. When our eyes see pleasing forms, joy is experienced. When our ears hear pleasing sounds, there is joy (Verse 73). When our mouth tastes enjoyable food, there is joy. That is what this verse is focussing on – on the pleasure obtained from eating or drinking something.
How to do this technique
This is a practice meant for those who love their food. The beauty about tantra is that it accepts us fully without judgment, and seeks to improve us starting at the level where we are. It uses our personality to help us evolve and progress towards God. If we enjoy sex, we can use sex to increase our level of awareness. If we enjoy food or music, then it helps us use that to increase our awareness. When eating or drinking something you enjoy, you find joy increasing or blossoming as the verse says. Focus on this joy, become full of this joy. Increase the joy you are feeling till you are simply radiating joy. Then a time will come when you will feel the immense joy of being united with God. You will notice that the last few verses ask us to focus our attention back toward ourselves, to the joy we are feeling. An external factor may have caused the joy, but if we continue to concentrate on the external factor and not on the joy, then there will be no liberation. As the Katha Upanishad says, “The Creator made the senses outward going: They go to the world of matter outside, not to the Spirit within. But the sage who sought immortality looked within himself and found his soul.” This is true of much of yoga. We are always extorted to redirect our attention back towards ourselves, to be aware of the self, and to look within. Even in these last few verses which are outward going, where joy is triggered from an external source, we are then asked to focus on the joy we are feeling – to redirect our attention back towards ourselves, and the joy we are feeling. Therefore, to be continuously aware of ourselves is always very important.
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