When one is enjoying singing and other pleasures of the senses, great joy arises. The yogi should become one with that joy. Then, one experiences growth of self.
Verse 73
Music and Meditation

Joy can be experienced through any sense organ. People enjoy different types of sensual pleasures. Some enjoy singing or listening to music. Certain sounds appeal instinctively to one. Music can make one peaceful and happy. Listen to music that makes you happy. Or focus on other pleasures that make you happy. Then, turn your attention to the joy you are experiencing. The yogi should become one with that joy. Blend with that joy. Unite with that joy. Feel yourself becoming one with that joy. The idea is to make you joyful. Then you will just be joyful. The sense organs are acting as a catalyst or a trigger for you to feel joy and become joyful.
Maintain State of Joy
The idea is to maintain that state of joy – become one with joy. This joyful state should be maintained irrespective of your external circumstances. You will find some people in life who remain happy, upbeat, even though they face circumstances in their life that are far from satisfactory. Others tend to brood over the negative aspects of their lives. This verse asks us to remain happy, to become one with joy. Then we are joyful, no matter what situation we are facing in life. Our reaction to every situation in life remains joyful. The Persian poet Rumi gave a wonderful definition of Sufism. He said that Sufism means to be joyful when disappointment comes. That is what this verse is also teaching us. Then, one experiences growth of self. The small self, the ego disappears, replaced by God in human form. We are all God in human form. It is when our ego disappears that we experience the Divinity within us. We realize our true nature and our unity with everything else on this planet. It is then that we fall in love with everyone and everything.
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