One should fix one’s sight on the place where light from the sun, lamp, etc, forms different colors. There indeed, one’s True Self will reveal itself.
Verse 76
How to do this technique

Kashmir Shaivism has many practices that concentrate on the center. Center between two breaths, between two movements, between two thoughts, or the center between the waking state and sleeping state (previous verse). This verse concentrates on the center between two colors. Why is the center so important? The Kashmir master, Kshemaraja, used to say that it is in the center that you will find God. Our world is full of dualities. Usually, it is a pair of opposites high-low, male-female, breath-outbreath, etc. It is in the center between the two that one finds the unifying principle. It is in the center that dualities end and one finds God. We see objects only because of light. The light can be from any source the sun, moon, lamp, etc. This light forms different colors. Light in its pure form includes all colors. Look at an object that has two or more colors. Focus on the meeting point of two colors. On the space or the area where two colors meet. Look at this point without blinking your eyes. If the eyes tire, close them for a while,
then open them and continue with the practice. A time will come when the colors momentarily disappear and light returns to its original state. At that moment, your mind and ego will disappear, and you will return to your original state. The use of colors and light in this meditation is interesting. Just as light includes all colors, God includes all the forms of the universe. Everything in the universe is part of God. When the separate colors disappear, our separate sense of existence (our ego), disappears. When the colors become one with light, we become one with God – we return to our
true state.
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