From the yogic practices of Karankini, Krodhana, Bhairavi, Lelihana and Khecari Mudras, the Supreme Reality is revealed.
Verse 77
The term Mudra is usually translated as attitude. Mudras are physical postures or movements that bring about a change in attitude, usually a deepening of awareness. The practices mentioned in this verse are obscure. They were meant to be learned from a master. These practices are also described in a text called Cidgaganacandrika. Given below is a brief description of the practices. However, they should be practiced only under the guidance of a master.

Karankini Mudra
- Karankini Mudra is the repose of death.
- Lie down as if dead.
- Imagine the whole body with all its organs being dissolved into consciousness.
- It is a practice whereby one has to spend long periods being immobile and quiet.
Krodhana Mudra
- Krodhana Mudra is the attitude of anger.
- One has to assume a tight or tense posture and keep the mouth open.
- From the open mouth, one has to imagine swallowing worldly objects and notions, dissolving them into their pure essence.
Bhairavi Mudra
- Bhairavi Mudra is a very powerful practice. It is mentioned again in Verse 1 1 3.
- One’s gaze is fixed externally without blinking the eyes, and one’s attention is turned within.
Lelihana Mudra
- Lelihana Mudra is the attitude of licking.
- One imagines licking and consuming the entire differentiation found in the universe.
Khecari Mudra
- Khecari Mudra here is different from the Khecari mudra of hath a yoga, where the tongue is rolled upwards to touch the roof of the mouth.
- In this system, it refers to the state of Shiva.
- It is a state where one has reached full awareness or enlightenment.
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