Stand over a deep well, etc, and look without blinking at the deep hollow space. The mind becomes ·completely free of thoughts, and then the mind is immediately dissolved.
Verse 115, Vigyan Bhairava Tantra
Emptying Your Mind
This meditation is similar to some of the meditations given earlier in the text. It works in three ways. First, by looking without blinking, all ·thoughts stop. By stopping the movement of the eyes, we stop the flow of thoughts. Second, by looking at a deep well, we are only seeing darkness. There are no other objects that one can see. The mind needs an object to think about. When there are no objects to think about, the mind automatically falls silent. A third important factor here is that, our ego needs another object by which to differentiate itself by. We get our sense of self, or sense of separation, by looking at other objects, and seeing ourselves as different from them. But what if there is no other object to look at? Then the ego has no support, and it collapses. Just as the mind needs thoughts to survive, the ego needs other forms, other objects to survive. When no other forms or objects exist, then the ego ceases to exist , One’s true nature then appears. Stand over a deep well, etc, and look without blinking at the deep hollow space. Etc. refers to any other deep, dark hole. It can be a well or some other hole. What is important is that it should be deep and dark, so that no other object is visible. There is only darkness. When you practice this, you will have to position your face at the edge of the wel l, so that you only look into the well. You should not be able to see anything else, even from the corner of your eye. The mind becomes completely free of thoughts, and then the mind is immediately dissolved. If the mind is continuously free of thoughts for only a brief period of time, it falls silent forever.

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