Wherever the mind goes, externally or internally, everywhere there is the form of Shiva.
Verse 116, Vigyan Bhairava Tantra
Everything Is Equal

As God is omnipresent, where will the mind go? The philosophy of non-dualism holds that there is only God. Only God exists. Everything you come in touch with through your senses is full of God, is a part of God. When you understand this truth deeply, your life changes. That is what this verse is about. It changes your perspective. When you understand there is only God, most of your desires fade away. Earlier you categorized people, events, or material things as more special from one another. Certain people were more special for you, certain events and memories were cherished more, and certain material objects were given more value. Your immediate family or your close friends were more special than people you did not know. Certain objects, such as jewelry or expensive cars, were given more value than objects of less monetary value. Now if you come to understand that everything is only God, then everything and everyone is given equal value. Everyone is special. No one is less or more special than anyone else. Every object and every forrn. is only God’s energy in different shapes and sizes. It’s all the same energy. God’s energy cannot be more special than itself. When you understand this, you stop preferring one thing over another. After all, it’s all the same thing. You cannot prefer the same thing to itself. Wherever the mind goes, externally or internally, everywhere there is the form of Shiva. Everything the mind thinks about – every internal or external form, person or object, is only a form of God.
As God is omnipresent, where will the mind go? When you know there is only God, what is there to think about? The mind on its own falls silent. For us to think about different people or objects, we have to see them as distinct, separate entities. That is why we think so much. We see objects and people as separate from each other, with their own individual identities. Now, when we realize that what we are seeing is an illusion, and everything is only a form of God, our perception changes. We no longer see form, we see substance. We no longer see separate entities, we see One Whole. To think, the mind needs different objects to think about. When you only see One, how can the mind think? Even if there was. two, you could think. You could compare one with the other. Now that is not possible. There is nothing to think about – where can the mind go?, as the verse asks. To practice this meditation, you have to understand and believe that there is only God. You have to behave that we are all part of this One. When you genuinely
believe there is only One, there is only God, your whole perception changes, and your mind automatically falls silent.
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