Understand an object is empty inside. Emptiness is also a feature of all objects. With mind free of thoughts, meditate on that emptiness. Then, even though the object is perceived or known, one becomes calm.
Verse 122, Vigyan Bhairava Tantra
Emptiness or void, is a very important concept in the philosophy of nondualism. Emptiness means that an object is empty of a separate self. Understand an object is empty inside. An object is empty of a separate existence, of a separate self. Yet, it is full of God. This is the key concept to understand. An object looks separate. It seems that it has a separate existence. But this is an illusion. It does not have a separate existence. It has no separate self. It is only God in a different form. From a thread, one can make various types of cloth. Yet all those forms of cloth are nothing but thread. In the same way, all objects are nothing but God. Emptiness is also a feature of all objects. All objects are empty of a separate existence, but are full of God. With mind free of thoughts, meditate on that emptiness. Choose an object.

How to do this method
Close your eyes and meditate that that object is an empty shell. It has nothing inside. It is one with all of existence. Continue to meditate in this way then, even though the object is perceived or known, one becomes calm. Later, after you complete the meditation, you will still see the object. But now you come to a new understanding. You now realize that the object is not separate from you or from God. It is a part of God, just as you are a part of God. A very powerful object to use for this practice is yourself. Our ego is the main barrier to our liberation. Either our ego exists or God exists. There is no room for two. It is when our ego disappears that the God in us appears. First, we have to become empty. Our ego is our sense of separate self. We have to empty ourselves of our ego – this idea that we have a separate existence. When we empty ourselves of our ego, then we realize that we are full of God.
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