Visual Meditation Technique
(Eyes closed, See your inner being in detail – From Kashmir – Shaivism Vigyan Bhairav Tantra)

Visual Meditation Technique- Please close your eyes and embark on an inner journey where you can truly experience your inner core. This meditation technique from the Vigyan Bhairav Tantra, a highly respected Hindu text that dates back 4500 years, offers a way to achieve self-realization. Inside this text, you will find 112 enlightening meditation practices that were given to Parvati by Lord Shiva himself.
This specific technique is designed for those who perceive the world through visual means, allowing them to understand the essence of existence through their eyes. However, it is important to first calm your body and mind before engaging in this practice to ensure a peaceful and rewarding experience. Prior participation in dance or breathing meditations can be especially beneficial in preparing for this profound exploration of the self.
Preparation Stage Choice for Visual Meditation Technique
Since it is not easy for many people to directly enter in passive meditation there can few options to prepare mind & body. Either you can do any type of yoga asanas or you can do first meditation technique from this book which Yogic Breathing Meditation or you can do active dance meditation.
(Dance Meditation for 10 Minutes)
Before diving into your meditation practice, it’s crucial to create the perfect environment for relaxation. Find a comfortable spot where you can unwind without any distractions. Ensure that the space is serene, quiet, and well-ventilated, allowing fresh air to rejuvenate your senses.
As you settle into your meditation posture, focus on maintaining a straight neck and an upright spine. Imagine yourself gazing at someone directly in front of you, allowing your mind to gradually find its calm. Throughout the session, keep your eyes gently closed, relieving any tension in your neck or facial muscles. Take a moment to release any tightness in your shoulders, arms, and thighs, allowing your body to fully relax before embarking on your meditation journey.
Meditation Tips Before We Get Started…
• It is essential to be in a comfortable and a relaxed position before beginning any meditation practice.
• The place chosen for meditation practice must be calm, quiet, have a free flow of air and must be free from any external disturbances.
• Sitting posture must be perfect for meditation. Neck should be straight, spine upright, and erect.
• Head should be straight like you are watching someone in front of you, this allows your mind to calm down.
• Keep eyes closed throughout, no strain should be felt in neck or facial muscles, also try to relax your shoulders, arms, and thighs before meditation.
How To Do Visual Meditation Technique
• Lie down on your back in shavasana (corpse pose) on the ground.
• Keep your legs comfortably apart and perpendicular to the shoulders and let your toes face to the sides, and your knees relax completely starting from the tip of the toe.
• Keep eyes closed throughout, no strain should be felt in neck or facial muscles.
• Let your eyes be totally closed there should be no movement of your eyes.
• (as movement of eyes is a sign of looking at the pictures, images, things & memories of external world)
• Stop all the movement of your eyes, eyes must stay completely still, like a stone.
• Once eyes became completely still, now you can move your consciousness into your body by looking on to your body from inside.
• You will be able to move your consciousness limb by limbs, toe, feet’s, knees, thighs, belly, chest, hands, shoulders, head, see yourself in details.
• You might get very sensitive feeling while moving through each part of the body, that part will became more alive, looks at it with love & compassion.
• You can experience separation from the body as if you can look at your body you must be different from it. (as the observer cannot be observed)
• Continue doing this for 10 Minutes.
• Let go of the technique, slowly bring your hands & legs down and relax in Shavasana with complete silence with eyes closed. Just remain in silence
and don’t focus on anything in particular. Allow yourself to become aware and watch whatever is happening inside your body. Just relax and be a witness to experience. Continue this for around 7 to 10 minutes.
Exam Questions and Answers
1.What is the specific focus of the Visual Meditation Technique described in the passage?
a. Auditory perception
b. Visual exploration
c. Breathing awareness
d. Body movement
Correct Answer: b. Visual exploration
2.According to the passage, which ancient Hindu text is the source of this meditation technique?
a. Upanishads
b. Bhagavad Gita
c. Vigyan Bhairav Tantra
d. Yoga Sutras
Correct Answer: c. Vigyan Bhairav Tantra
3.What is recommended as a beneficial preparation for engaging in the Visual Meditation Technique?
a. Reading spiritual texts
b. Listening to calming music
c. Participation in dance or breathing meditations
d. Fasting
Correct Answer: c. Participation in dance or breathing meditations
4.What is emphasized in creating the perfect environment for relaxation before meditation?
a. Bright lighting
b. Background noise
c. Serene, quiet, and well-ventilated space
d. Crowded surroundings
Correct Answer: c. Serene, quiet, and well-ventilated space
5.What is the recommended posture for meditation in terms of neck and spine alignment?
a. Bent neck and slouched spine
b. Straight neck and slouched spine
c. Straight neck and upright spine
d. Bent neck and upright spine
Correct Answer: c. Straight neck and upright spine
6.What is the significance of keeping eyes closed during the Visual Meditation Technique?
a. Enhancing external awareness
b. Reducing concentration
c. Relieving tension in facial muscles
d. Encouraging eye movement
Correct Answer: c. Relieving tension in facial muscles
7.How long is the practitioner advised to continue the technique of moving consciousness through different body parts during the Visual Meditation?
a. 5 minutes
b. 10 minutes
c. 15 minutes
d. 20 minutes
Correct Answer: b. 10 minutes
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