The methods are many for eliminating these karmic debts. Through one form or another of meditation one learns to understand how the mind operates and thus is able to begin the growth process. Exactly what techniques are used depends on the nature of the individual. In Yoga, which means “union”, there are four main paths. Raja Yoga is a psychological approach focusing on concentration and meditation. Karma Yoga is the path of eliminating the ego and attachments through selfless service. Jnana Yoga is the method by which the intellect is used to negate bondage to the material world. Bhakti Yoga is the way of union through conversion of the emotions to devotion.

There are, as well, a number of other forms of Yoga. They include Hatha Yoga, which is actually the aspect of Raja Yoga that works with the energies of the astral body through exercises, or postures, and kundalini meditation. Here the meditator concentrates on a specific Sanskrit phrase for the purpose of stilling the mind and evoking positive energy. It is said that the paths are many but the Truth is One. Each person must travel his own road to union with the Source. It should be borne in mind, however, that by placing all of one’s energies into only one form of Yoga, there is a danger of imbalance, even fanaticism. For stable and consistent progress, the meditator should choose a preferred path, but always draw from the techniques and wisdom of the other methods. Only through a synthesis of Yogas is an equilibrium maintained. In meditating regularly, the mind becomes clearer and clearer, and motives become more and more pure. The subconscious releases hidden knowledge that allows understanding of the ways in which each binds himself in daily habits. The ego is slowly eradicated by concentration on a broader awareness of the universe and one’s relation to it. Ultimately the superconscious, or intuitive
forces, are released, leading to a life of wisdom and peace.
Your article gave me a lot of inspiration, I hope you can explain your point of view in more detail, because I have some doubts, thank you.