If you sit for a long duration of time like I was sitting for over 12 hours at a stretch then it’s like an out of body experience, no need to control the body, body doesn’t move or urinate etc. You can experience very different levels where u go deeper. If we go deep then we have consciousness altering experience and we can see a tangible difference in our behaviour, more loving, more truthful and honest, more compassionate and our karma changes as well. How Paramahansa Yogananda explains in Autobiography of a Yogi, every act we are doing to purify ourselves, then that would purify the atoms around us and that in itself is a huge contribution to consciousness and global consciousness. I wanted to learn a tangible practice. Something I can feel immediately. I heard sages give instruction to kings for the global good of humanity. I wanted to know what it is and how I can apply it. Paramahansa Yogananda shared a method, both eyes closed focusing and looking at the third eye and then after several hours you clearly start seeing and feeling a light at the third eye. Then you bring the image of the person you want to see and what the person is doing in this moment. The image will appear and whatever the person is doing you will see it. But after doing this I also felt that energy got sucked from me during the process.
I was also using this technique and other techniques to heal people. I made a request during meditation that I wanted to learn how to heal other people. The healing with water I received darshan from Sathya Sai Baba and asked him if he could share with me a method on how to heal people. He asked me whether I wanted to remain in sadhana or learn healing. At that time I wanted to heal people. So he gave me a method using water and many other processes. I had darshan with sufi saint Moinuddin Chishti and he said that through these methods I could go on the wrong track and that I should not enter and manipulate people and I felt he wanted me to focus more on methods for knowing truth. This book includes the fundamental tools and techniques required to have glimpses of Samadhi. I experimented with various techniques and included in this text the ones that work and lead towards Samadhi. In the Ramayana, the one of the two sanskrit epics next to the Mahabharata, it is written that when Lord Shiva was not in a good state after Parvati had left the body then he came to recite pruw still going there to leave the body in one of the most powerful places in the world like Swargarohini and Mount Kailash. When I was at the Kagbhusandi in 2014 I was sitting in meditation from morning till night without any concept of time. That’s where and when I received the technique for Mahamrityunjay Kriya, Sushumna and other methods in meditation. After I had asked the saints what methods to use leading towards knowing truth, their answer was: Yam, Niyam. Focus on this. Among many others kriyas one method which works on opening of kundalini shakti is the method of Chakra Breathing, if done intensely. The sages or saints appearing to me are like a light form but very visible and one can hear their voice clearly. The first time a saint came to me with guidance was when I was kidnapped in Qatar many years ago. When I was escaping, he was the first who came to me and his voice was guiding me until I finally reached the embassy. He is still guiding me until this day, among other sages. After meditation in certain places, if I’m requesting help I can connect with the sages or saints that dwell in these places. Since the day I escaped in Qatar I’ve been able to contact them. Paramahansa Yogananda, Lahiri Mahasaya, Neem Karoli Baba, Sufi Saint Mansur Al-Hallaj to name a few. After I had meditated in Kagbhusandi I constantly saw a white fog around me which is like an energy that surrounds you, for 15 days. You feel blissful all the time and anything you do is done totally without any effort and you are not doing it from your mind. Your energy level and state of being is different and altered. There are different types of experiences in Samadhi. When I was meditating in the Bugyal area above Kalpeshwar I had other experiences of Samadhi which can be described like having an out of body experience which lasted for an extremely long time. Sitting there after a long time my body fell down from the rock I was sitting on and only when one Maa found me and touched my forehead then I came back into the body. These are just glances of Samadhi. Samadhi means knowing truth, being one with consciousness. One time in Goa after a full moon sushumna meditation l remained in out of body experience for two and a half hours. After two and a half hours someone started to massage the big toes of my feet and then I came back to the body. Sometimes I was not able to come back to the body because somewhere else blissed out and not interested in the body. One time when I got out of the body I was thinking about what my friend Klema is doing in Canada. I instantly reached over there and I saw that he and his wife were chopping vegetables and then I got another thought about what my father is doing and I reached over there and he was milking the cow. I used to do this a lot, but one time everything went back to the body except my head. That time only after a lot of focus and concentration I was able to bring it back. After having these experiences one remains in union with the universe for a long and substantial amount of time. It transforms you. You are loving, truthful and honest, not collecting more than what is needed, very sensitive to everything. Our practices are important, if the intensity of practices goes down after sometime then the state of being that we are in after having these experiences goes down again and dilutes. If we don’t keep our practices intact we come back to the world again, back from godliness to worldliness, which is duality.
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