Technique I – with Antar Kumbakha (internal retention) Sit in Idhasan siddha yoni asana or any other comfortable position that enhances awareness of mooladhara chakra. Close your eyes and relax the whole body by watching the natural breath… in and out… natural breath. Now take your awareness to mooladhara chakra. Intense awareness of mooladhara. Total attention at mooladhara, then breathe in deeply, hold your breath, and mentally contract mooladhara.
in the pranic body only – no physical contraction.Complete physical relaxation but psychic contraction of mooladhara on the subtle plane. Feel or imagine that the actual chakra is being lightly pressed with your thumb, or that mooladhara is being gently beaten with a flower, the psychic contraction of mooladhara chakra. Repeat the seed mantra slowly and mentally: lam… lam … lam … and with each repetition feel the primal energy surging up from mooladhara. When you can no longer hold your breath comfortably, breathe out slowly and feel the energy from mooladhara diffusing throughout the body and clearing the thoughts from the mind. Hold the breath and the awareness for an instant in ajna, while the cascading energy clears all thoughts from the mind. Then breathe out and relax in the pure void of chidakasha. This is one round. Practise up to twelve rounds and proceed with your usual meditation practice.
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