This is a one hour meditation. It consists of three stages. In stage one we keep the feet about shoulder width apart so you feel stable and comfortable while doing the movements. Place the left hand on the heart center and right hand on the hara or navel center. Move both hands onto the hara, fingers pointing downwards. Breathing in through the nose, bring the hands up to the heart center. Breathing out with the sound “So” move your left hand back down to the hara, and at the same time move your right arm forward, palm facing down and move your right foot forward one step. Return to the original position with both hands on the hara. Repeat this same movement with the left arm and foot forward. Return to the original position with both hands on the hara. Repeat this movement with the right arm and foot now turning 90° sideways to the right. Return to the original position with both hands on the hara. Repeat the same movement 90° sideways to the left, then return to original position, both hands on the hara. Now you turn 180° to the right, right arm behind using the right leg. Return to original position. Repeat the same movement 180° to the left, left arm behind using the left leg. Return to original position. Like this you move in four directions. Look into the direction in which you are moving the arm. When going backwards, twist the upper torso so you can look backwards as you move your arm in that direction. Use graceful movements in a continuous flow, in rhythm with the music, if music is being played. Repeat this cycle for thirty minutes. In stage two we do whirling. First, keep the right hand resting on the left shoulder and the left hand resting on the right shoulder. The arms are crossed in front of the chest and the head is looking downwards. For a moment or two, feel loving gratitude to existence and to yourself. Then when the music picks up, start the whirling. Begin whirling to the left or to the right, whichever feels best. If you whirl to the right, start with the right foot and right arm to the right and extend the left arm in the opposite direction. Extend the arms to each side with one raised at a 45 degree angle and one lowered at a 45 degree angle. You rotate the feet one at a time, one foot moves, ideally toes touching the heel of the other foot, and then the next foot moves to touch the heels together with toes apart. Repeat the steps, starting slowly and then speed it up gradually. If you have not whirled before, start out very slowly; once your mind and body get attuned to the movements the body will naturally go faster. If you get dizzy, it is okay to stop for a moment and then start again. This stage is 15 minutes. On the third and final stage, while still whirling we let ourselves fall to the ground on our belly. You can angle the arms, put the right hand on the left palms facing down and rest your forehand on the back of the hands. Stay here lying down on the belly for fifteen minutes and relax. In case you cannot complete the second stage whirling for fifteen minutes you can fall to the floor earlier too.
Depending on the type and age of the group participants, the time span of the meditation process can be adjusted. For the 11-18 year old teenagers, as for example in our Youth Empowerment Program (YEP) each stage is ten minutes. For kids younger than that, you can reduce the time even more, as much as they are able and willing to do. For more intensity one can do it for two or three hours. As the situation permits and according to the group, the time can be adjusted.
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