So we have covered food in the cleansing part and to some degree, the nutrition. Other than cleansing and nutrition, exercise is important. And when we talk about exercise there are two kinds. First is stretching and second is aerobics. Stretching is like yoga and aerobics is like jogging. They both are important and play their own role.
In Mahamrityunjay Kriya you have both of them. On the same spot when you are running, that becomes part of aerobics and aasan practices are part of stretching. So the aasans stretch the muscles, make the body flexible and aerobics do the circulation job. Circulation with the lungs, kidneys, and bowels. They both play equal roles so both should be practiced. Jogging can be done either before the aasan or after. If you do it before, for example in the morning, it would give fast results and set up the day or aasan can be practiced in the night and then you go to sleep. Or whenever athere is low energy, so whatever the current environment or atmosphere permits, jogging or stretching like yoga can be done. Both of them can be done. There are 3000 yog postures in yog manuals and they were written over a period of time and the Rishimunis who wrote them lived close to nature and looking at various animals, creatures, their behaviour patterns, they were added. They were also revealed in deep meditation and modern science approves of their benefits. For jogging, if somebody is obese they can start walking and then go for a jog instead of going directly so it doesn’t give strain to their body. It should be started slowly and then speed can increase. Important thing here is that the breathing should be from the nose and the speed should be such that from the nose if you cannot breathe and more breath is required then we slow down, so that’s according to the capacity of the lungs. And then we grow the capacity of the lungs. A push can be given and if you see that that’s getting uncomfortable, then you slow it down and bring it back to normal. While jogging, clothes can be worn which help bring sweat out and that would help to clean the pores. In the menstruation cycle of women light jogging, brisk walking and the jogging in one spot can be done. Also some asanas are beneficial and pain preventative/relieving during periods. Generally inversions and certain twists or certain strenuous postures are to be avoided. You can also do the Mahamrityunjay Kriya while having the period, pick those movements from it that feel good to do during this time. Listen to your body. Especially in this time women tend to be more receptive and sensitive, so listen to what your body tells you, what feels good and what doesn’t feel good. If possible avoid hard physical work or hectic work. Relax, meditate or read some inspirational books. This time is also good for deeper introspection. Write down your thoughts, whatever comes write it down. You can do your audit, “What’s going on in the subconscious?” write down how you spent your time and how you experienced dealing with other people, is there anything that can be done differently, anything you wish to change. You can do the diaphragmatic breathing and the diaphragm breathing in which you can lay down and put one hand on the stomach and one hand on the chest. The hand on the stomach should move up and down with the breath and the hand on the chest should not move. If the breathing is happening from the diaphragm it would be very relaxing. You can also do Nadi Shodhana or Anulon Vilon, alternate nostril breathing. It’s good for cleansing, aids digestion, calms the mind, relieves anxiety or stress and balances the Nadis. If possible, spending time in nature is good during this time. Switch off your phone, just be there. Walk barefoot on the grass, sit in the park under a tree or at the beach, feel how nature supports, cleanses and nourishes you. Yoga Nidra meditation can bring relaxation and calmness as well. Give the body the food that it wants, but it’s good to consume nourishing food and drink sufficient water or herbal tea during this time to help the cleansing process also. For pregnancy, in the remaining five to six months, only certain exercises are permitted. Anything where the pelvic bone is involved, those movements should not be done. That could really harm the delivery. After the delivery for five to six weeks, no exercises. Neither yog nor jogging.
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