There is a story about Confucius. He visited a village and was asked to meet a person who thinks a lot, a deep thinker. So Confucius said, “I would love to meet him, but before I meet him I would like to ask how many times he thinks before deciding anything.” The people replied, “Three times.” To which Confucius responded, “Three times is too much to think, one time is too little, and twice is a perfect balance.” His indication was towards extremes, if anything is extreme it’s not balanced and not good. Most of us have experiences with extremes like this. For example, we decided that spending too much time on Facebook is not a good utilization of our time, and then once we decide it is not good, we again go and press the “like” button, even if we don’t like it, we don’t think, we just like it. Then we decided to experiment and stop using Facebook for a while. Nothing much to lose and that would help in reducing the digital addiction. Again after a few days we go and “like” or instead of “like” we start reading some inspiration quotes from which we will get inspired. Rather than inspiration we are exposed to radiation and the inspiration from the quote we forget quickly! And then you share it with friends and more time is wasted. One could argue that instead of sending news on how many were dead, how much crime happened or some news of politics, better to send inspirational quotes so friends would have more quotes than news. Facebook’s sharing algorithm will anyway share anything to the friend. The bottom line is: yes, compared to news this is better, but is this helping us towards our conscious goal to live happily and joyfully or to reach the natural state? So if we consider these goals, Facebook doesn’t make any sense. I’m against sending even these inspirational quotes, because nobody truly applies it in life. If we compare the inspiration to the amount of addiction it creates, and the toxins it creates digitally, the harm is more than the good that’s being caused. Now Facebook is coming up with new technologies, new ideas of how to keep more people on it for longer. If you run a page, they would feed you the statistics, give the percentage of how fast the page sends out responses etc. “To respond faster, turn on the button.” Turn on on the message button to respond fast and you get the page active. Like that, they come up with more and more ways to engage the user, who becomes addicted. Then there is also Twitter, Instagram, WhatsApp. The more life time we spend on digital things, the more it will penetrate all our seven bodies and it penetrates very fast. The so called smart phones, smart tablets, smart notebooks, smart laptops and even the smart cities these days. I would like to add dumb phone. Instead of smart phone start calling it a dumb phone, or instead of smart notebook a dumb notebook and so on. All that it’s really doing is making us dumb, not smart. Then why call it a smart phone, call it a dumb phone so at least we remember and maybe use it less. There used to be a dumb terminal in computers in the earlier days, so those were at least good names. And now they are smart terminals, more radiation getting into the human, any beings exposed to the device radiation and electromagnetic waves. Facebook is not good and we keep using it, and not just using it, abusing it. Abusing ourselves. So once we decide to change our behaviour, let’s not come up with a to do list and then move it over to another to do list and that to do list becomes another to do list. We keep making only lists and we don’t act on it.
We have come up with action items and processes outlined in this book how to purify thoughts, to purify emotions and to purify the body. We have all the action plans, but unless we act upon the action plan we are not reaching our conscious goal. Science is beautiful in one way, science is beautiful as long as it is helping us to be more happy or to liberate us, or to reach the natural state or call it enlightenment. If the science is not making us happy then it’s not good. Then why not stop it? Stop whatever is in our control. If you need to use smartphones, at least use this anti-radiation chips that are available. They work as a de-antenna. An antenna’s job is to spread signals and their job is reducing signals. Certain harmful frequencies cause a lot of harm to your ears, your brain and to your entire being. There is certain confirmed research on this and partially it is still in progress. Companies make expensive phones, but they can’t even put a small chip in it that reduces pain, reduces radiation.
I was once attending a conference on telecommunication and I raised this point, “You are talking about a faster data network, is there any small thought on transmitting data which does not cause harm to humanity?” They were discussing 4G. Now it’s 5G, more harmful. So I made them aware of this topic and they said, “Yes, we know what you mean.” Then I told them, “If you know, then act. Why can you not at least build the protective chip into the phones? All phones should be like that. Produce lesser other features if you need to reduce the cost, but at least implement the chip.” In technology almost no attention is given to causing less harm to humanity and the environment. The total focus is on the financial figure we can achieve this year, this quarter, this month, this week and this day. I’m of the strong opinion that science is only helpful if it makes us happy. This is the best measurement in choosing anything scientific. If the science provides anything which can take us deeper into meditation or towards our true nature then I would support it. I was at Kasar Devi, a temple which Nasa in their research found to be among the three most magnetic places in the whole word. This and two other places: one in Argentina and one in England. I went to Kasar Devi and the place is magnetic. And then what do I see? A huge mobile tower just near to the cave and the old temple. It concerned me. Where there is a tower there is radiation. Why here? Why at a place which is so auspicious and unique in the whole world. So unique and they put a huge mobile tower in the name of development. What is development, to destroy the human, to destroy a being, to destroy nature, to bring the happiness of the people down. Is this what the development is? Development is something which helps us to be more happy and joyful, to go closer to our natural state.
Swami Vivekanand meditated in Kasar Devi. There is a beautiful cave which got demolished in an earthquake. I asked the people there to fix it and we continue to support this. A Buddhist monk Shunyato, meditated there, Swami Rama meditated there. And they all spoke very highly of it. I myself did nine days of Gupna Ratri there. Even though inside the cave, which is now broken, the radiation still reaches there, so it needs to be fixed and the tower needs to be removed. In India our research and science used to be on how to bring more happiness, how to be in the natural state. And now our research has gone into a different direction. Once you have decided to change things, let’s act. Without acting, things will not change. Be sincere. Otherwise we will do one workshop, then another workshop. We had one participant who had done twenty seven workshops. Are we keep doing workshop after workshop or do it sincerely so we reach a state where we don’t need any more workshops? Then every moment becomes meditation. Use the methods and practices to change habits as outlined in this book. Give instructions to the subconscious mind and the change will get implemented in your life.
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