Regarding self preservation, the more we turn inward and reach into our inner space, the more the fear of death will diminish. As we do the processes and create a state where meditation can be experienced, more meditation and a deeper state of meditation will happen to us. So it’s important not just to do meditation techniques. The technique only creates a platform so meditation can be experienced. The more meditation is experienced, the more the fear of death will be reduced. Any experience of deep meditation, like experiencing separation of body and soul, has a long lasting effect, a deeper effect on reducing need for self preservation. By experiencing this separation, you realise that you are not the body. Once you had glances like this, now it’s a matter of increasing the duration of these experiences. If you succeeded in experiencing this for 24 hours, then this awareness would stay with you permanently. Let’s say you experience this awareness for five minutes, see if you can increase it to half an hour, one hour. If you reach 24 hours, then body and soul will not meet again. What does it mean, body and soul don’t meet? As the body and soul separate, the level of experience will be like this: even if you damage the body with a knife, we would see there is blood coming, but there won’t be pain, we will see that it is happening to the body, not to us. There are certain aasans in the yog tradition, like Vajrasan, that are supportive in reducing the fear of death. Certain mudras are also helpful one for example is the Dhyan Mudra, tips of thumb and index finger touching and palm upwards resting hand on the knee or Dhyan Mudra, palm facing outward, hand lifted at throat level. These also reduce the fear of death. Mantras which give quick results are for example “Om Namastchandeekay” (Mangala Chandika Stotram), it brings up certain things and one would get frightened. Use this above mentioned mudra to reduce the fear while chanting strong mantras like this.
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