The tools I am sharing with you are not something I have read in books, nor did my teacher tell me about them. I myself experimented with them, tried many methods, and the ones that really worked are the ones I’m sharing with you. The process is complete from beginning to end, all the tools are there, either to be happy and joyful in life or we jump further and if one would like to work towards knowing who we are, in other words, liberating ourselves. Let’s put it like this: in a mountain, there is a waterfall running. Rock is very solid, and water is just a liquid. If we consolidate our energy and keep putting it into one spot it will break the rock and enter into our space. These tools are such that they will break all the walls we have created and we can be again in our natural state and they will work. I have no doubt whatsoever about these tools. Irrespective of who he or she is, it will help. Of course there are individuals, and there are specific things required to fix each person. In general they will work, and then you go more granular for specific help. Choose any of the methods, either the breath work, or giving instruction to the subconscious. In the lifestyle we have right now we need fast results. I was in a similar lifestyle, I experimented, went to so many places, so many people, many fooling us. But then when we are honest with ourselves, the divine helps, existence helps and we are given support. If it is only to gather information, then existence does not help. Some practical tools like the one I shared yesterday, you have used this and now you know the results of it, giving instructions to change your habits. There are some other important tools. To keep the body pure, one: we have to remove the impressions of the past, the blockages which are created in our blood stream, those need to be removed, the nerves need to be cleaned. The work you are doing with the breath is substantially helpful as it cleanses, and with that preparation of the body also some extent of kundalini is opened and you remain witness and aware as well, as it is a natural progression. With drugs for example that doesn’t happen. With drugs the quantity is so high that you suddenly see something, you see it, but you cannot be witness to it, that’s the fundamental difference. Unless we can be a witness, it cannot be useful. So the breath work will clean the nerves and at the same time the other exercises you do, that will clean the protection around the kundalini and slowly open it up, so some fragrances of it will come out, some spark will come out and that’s how you then can experience that stillness. More and more you clean that, the more this willm be implemented in life. These are important tools you need in the workplace also. You can use either the breath work in the office environment. Of course you can use the breathing if your boss said something you didn’t like and you have anger. You can use any part of the body you would like to make more beautiful. You can use the hand, you can use the leg, you can also use the face, but in the office it will be more visible, but underneath the table legs are not visible. So whatever is thrown onto you which you cannot say back, do not keep it in the system. With any anger given to you, sparked in you, immediately use your legs and you tighten them so hard, really hard, make them tight, and that anger you take out with the legs. Nobody is watching your legs and nobody will have trouble if you tighten your legs, anger will be out of the system and you are not keeping it inside you. That way you are not making yourself fragile or toxic, you will remain well. Take an example of Mahatma Gandhi. In his childhood, he was not considered as a beautiful man in any standard of beauty, but if you see his later pictures he looks beautiful! He worked on himself to release these blockages and toxins and to purify himself. So the same man looks beautiful. There are not stories about what Jesus or what prophet Mohammed, or what Krishna, or what other enlightened masters did when they were in jungles, there is not much detail on that, but I’m among the ones who believe they must have used some ways to purify their nervous system, to clean their body. Even living in the jungle itself, you get everything fresh so that itself is cleaning. Some way of cleaning is required. So this will be really good for you. Anytime anger comes, just throw it out of the system, don’t keep it inside. You can do the jaw movement, quick, two minutes breathing and you take it out. Open the mouth totally. If you don’t have two minutes, do one minute and you are fresh, and you would have that much guts to say, “I’m just using some tools to refresh.” And I think nobody would have any problem with that. You go somewhere and do two minutes of breathing. So first open your mouth totally, so the toxins in the jaw get shaken, and then on one side when you throw the air out, imagine that person and all the anger, anxiety, frustration, craziness, you take it all out. You will feel fresh. Two minutes is not much time and it works, so whenever anger comes take it out. I experimented with this on thousands of people and it works fantastically well. Breath is one of the very fine ways to remove the negativity. The Mahamrityunjay Kriya that you do in the morning is fantastic for cleansing the nerves. It is not for giving you power, there are other meditations for power, but this is rather for cleansing. Unless the nerves are clean you cannot awaken the kundalini, if you awaken it then you could be mentally disturbed, it could harm. So nerves have to be cleaned, that’s fundamental. Other than breath work or dynamic meditation in which you use the cathartic methods to throw things out, we can also use our D.A.T.E With Yourself Meditation, Dynamic Awareness Transformation Experience. Here you can express your emotions more and in your current environment, for instance with dance, expressing the anger, take it out, you can choose partners and throw the anger out, then you can express other emotions like sadness, you can bring tears out, you can have a time for craziness so you can go totally crazy in that time, and it lasts two and a half hours so it is a little longer than the dynamic meditation. You can also use massage, acupressure, acupuncture, ayurveda, yoga aasans, tantra meditations, anything which works for you, which makes the system clean, use it, they are all complete in their own way. I am sharing the tools which I tested and that work, go on and make use of them. Nowadays we do not do anything creative. All we do is think, ‘I do this and I get this in return.’ By adding something creative, it will change the way we live our life. Some work in the day, you can even go give some beggar a hug, helping someone to lift something. If you feel the need you can say something nice to someone who is in pain and receives help by you talking to them, but not just talking and talking, rather as creativity. You can make a painting, you can play a drum, you can play your flute, you can make a sculpture. If you are walking by a hospital give some flowers to some patients. Anything that you enjoy just doing it, not seeing it as a business where you give and should get something back. That creative work will open our heart more and more and that would be a good beginning in life, to have something creative. Add this into your to-do list, a daily task where just doing it as fun, not expecting anything in return for it.
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