My beloved Osho’s Sannyasis, Lovers and Friends,
Osho’s spoken words are recorded in Audio, Video, Books, and digital formats. He has spread his words over 650 book titles, and they are translating them into 65 languages around the world. As per the records it is seen that on an average DAILY 2 books of Osho are being published somewhere in the world. Unfortunately, the trustees of the Osho Ashram Pune, in connivance with a few foreigners, are illegally laundering this legacy outside India. This is a direct loss to the FOREX, tax revenues, Jobs, etc.. of India. I wish to bring to your kind attention the following:
- Osho’s legacy is the heritage of India and it has been hijacked and transferred overseas based on a forged will. Forensic Science Laboratory in New Delhi has examined and certified the alleged will as forged (Annexure 2). The details of the total money generated (1,987 crores) by Ashram in the last 10 years are provided in Annexure 1.
- They asked Ms. Christine Claudine Elisabeth, a German national, to transfer US$ 370,000 (INR 2,77,92,365) to ‘O International Digital Media Limited’ in Hong Kong to secure one room in Osho Ashram Pune. They took the donation into a foreign account in Hongkong and allocated a room in India. Michael Byrne and John Andrews are the Chairman and Vice-Chairman of Osho International Foundation, Switzerland. They also own “O International Digital Media Limited.” This is a clear violation of sections 34, 120B, 406, 409, etc of IPC as well as certain provisions of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act. Honorable Governor of Maharastra written on it, still even an FIR is not written on it. A very comprehensive report with detailed evidence on this is available in Annexure 4.
- There is substantial evidence indicating the diversion of Trust funds to private limited companies, where the same trustees hold directorial and ownership positions. In Annexure 5, a detailed report is provided along with supporting evidence. Additionally, the Trust had to transition to online payments during the period of demonetization. Notably, Mr. Hemant Malik’s account transferred money to Osho Multimedia Private Limited among these transactions.
- No receipt of payments was given in the last nearly 30 years. I will present affidavits from at least 50 people who attended the meditation and did not receive a payment receipt. The trustees take the funds in cash and siphon the money through Havala or private companies they have formed. The trust records a very small amount of cash in its books compared to the actual receipts, which may be just 10%. You can easily verify this by comparing the number of people entered in the Ashram with their CCTV records against the revenue shown in the books. Only during demonetization and from the year 2021 for 2-3 months approx., they started to give the receipt of payment, rest no receipt of payment in last 30 years.
- A charitable trust like Osho International Foundation doesn’t need to have so many private limited companies underneath it. Public limited companies with the same name as the trust also exist. So, people don’t come to know if they are paying to trust or private company. This is also very suspicious. I have enclosed a list of private limited companies in India and abroad. Annexure 3 contains a certificate of a private limited company with the same name as the trust.
- In any trust management changes frequently. In this case, Michael Byrne and John Andrews make all the major decisions in trust for the last 30 years even though they are not even trustees in India trust. This can be verified in any investigation.
- In July 2020, these trustees colluded to sell a major part of the Ashram to Rajivnayan Bajaj, Managing Director, Bajaj Group alleging losses due to COVID. We submitted an application to the Charity Commissioner Mumbai to approve this sale and received an advance payment of 50 crores for it. This is despite many Osho disciples offering to provide funds to prevent such a sale. All attempts to reach the trustees failed. We have enclosed a detailed report with evidence submitted to the Charity Commissioner.
Osho conducted vital spiritual experiments in consciousness at his Ashram in Koregaon Park,
Pune. His revolutionary methods of meditations were born here. This living Buddha-filed supports thousands of new seekers each year, and someone willfully destroyed it. The trustees we are dealing with are very wealthy, they bribe wherever needed and without your help, it’s very difficult to catch them. We trust that you fully understand the importance of Osho’s legacy to India and humanity. We trust that under your watch this horrific destruction of Indian heritage will never happen.