When strong emotions of desire, anger, greed, infatuation, intoxication or jealousy appear – stop the mind! By doing that, the True Reality underlying those emotions, appears.
Verse 101, Vigyan Bhairava Tantra

Emotions are nothing but energy (energy in motion). Energy is neutral. It can take on any form. Desire, anger, greed, etc. are all forms of energy. This verse emphasizes strong emotions. When strong emotions appear, it means that energy has been raised to a very high level. You will notice this immediately with people who are angry. They seem energized, capable of lashing out.
Stop the mind!
When these strong emotions appear, suddenly stop the mind. You are having thoughts of anger, violence, or greed, or jealousy. Suddenly, quit them. Simply be aware. Remain aware. This energy that has arisen, has no option but to go back to its Source, to God. When it returns to God, it takes you with it. The difficulty in practicing this verse is in being aware that a strong emotion has arisen. It is only when you are aware that a strong emotion has arisen that you can stop the mind. The problem is that usually a person who is angry or greedy, is one who has lost awareness. If you are in a state of awareness, you will never be angry or greedy or jealous, in the first place. If you are being these things, it means that you have lost awareness. Then one has to regain awareness when these emotions are in full swing, so that one can stop the mind. Usually this does not happen. One is so engrossed in these emotions, that one loses all awareness. However, sometimes one can become aware that one is being angry or greedy, etc. Then, this meditation can be practiced.
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