Psychological Benefit of Meditation
- The mind becomes naturally calm and peaceful.
- Emotional nature of the mind starts balancing especially during deep crisis.
- Anger is released consciously, in a sublimated form.
- Emotional and physical trauma is released.
- Awareness increases along with self-esteem.
- Increasing faith in self due to having better relationships and a stronger spirit.
- Uncovering of innate personal intuition.
- Effortless relating to others.
- Thoughts are managed with better clarity.
- Dissolving social anxiety.
- Unconditional acceptance of yourself.
- Mental strength with increased patience and clarity with focus.
- Less anxiety and worries in situations.
- New found sense of responsibility and personal power.
- Disappearing comparison and judgment.
- Greater enjoyment of the present moment
- Less emotional reactivity; fewer intense negative emotions and dramatic mood swings
- More loving, harmonious relationships
- Increased empathy
- Enhanced creativity and self-actualization
- Heightened perceptual clarity and sensitivity
- Reductions in both acute and chronic anxiety
- Complement to psychotherapy and other approaches in the treatment of addiction
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