Sit in siddhasana or siddha yoni asana with the lower heel firmly pressing the mooladhara trigger point. Make your spine straight, hold your head up and close your eyes. Relax the whole body and become aware of your natural breath.Spontaneous, relaxed breathing… in . . . and … out… Now contract the throat slightly so your breath makes a gentle snoring sound as it passes in and out of the throat. A gentle rumble like a baby sleeping… like a waterfall in the distance… this is the psychic breath (ujjayi pranayama). When you have become established in the psychic breath, fold your tongue backwards with the tip towards the throat.
The underside of the tongue rests against the roof of the mouth.
This is khechari mudra.

Deep, slow psychic breath and folded tongue… continue these throughout the practice. Now, the next time you breathe out, drop your chin to your chest (jalandhara bandha).
Open your eyes.

Focus your attention on mooladhara chakra. Hold the breath outside while you say mentally: ‘mooladhara, mooladhara, mooladhara’.

With the psychic breath, breathe in and draw your awareness from mooladhara up the front of the body, to Retention the throat, then to bindu at the back of the head. Breath and awareness should move together from mooladhara to swadhisthana at the pubic bone, manipura at the navel, anahata in the chest, vishuddhi in the throat, then directly back and up to bindu. As your awareness moves from vishuddhi to bindu, lift the head slowly so that by the time you reach bindu, the head is tilted slightly backwards.
Head tilted back, breath and awareness simultaneously
- reach bindu.
- Hold your breath.
Hold your awareness in bindu. Repeat mentally ‘bindu, bindu, bindu’. Still holding the breath, focus your eyes on the eyebrow centre (shambhavi mudra). And at the same time perform moola bandha.
Move your awareness to the eyebrow centre – say mentally ‘shambhavi’.

Now take your awareness to the root of the tongue – say mentally ‘khechari’.

Awareness of mooladhara chakra – say mentally ‘moola’.

Again: ‘shambhavi, khechari, moola’. Third time: ‘shambhavi, khechari, moola’.

Release shambhavi and then moola bandha. Take your awareness back to bindu. Exhale with the psychic breath and allow your awareness to descend through the psychic centres in the spine. Synchronize breath and awareness, descending through ajna, vishuddhi, anahata, manipura, swadhisthana back to mooladhara. At the same time, let your eyelids droop half-closed (unmani mudra). Allow the head to drop forward slowly so that when your exhalation is complete, the chin rests on the chest again (jalandhara bandha).

Awareness of mooladhara, eyes half-open. This is the end of one complete round. Mentally say, ‘mooladhara, mooladhara, mooladhara’. Breathe in with the psychic breath (ujjayi) and repeat as above. Practise twelve rounds (i.e. twelve complete breaths). Beginners should rotate their awareness shambhavi,
khechari, moola – three times.

Gradually build your practice up to twelve rotations with each breath This is khechari mudra. This is the kundalini yoga kriya known as maha mudra. Alternative practice Maha mudra may also be practised in utthanpadasana or its variation. Sit in utthanpadasana, or its variation, with the left leg folded and the right leg stretched in front of the body. Rest the hands on the right knee, close your eyes and straighten your back. Relax your whole body. … and become aware of the natural breath… Spontaneous, relaxed breathing… Now contract the throat slightly so that your breath makes a gentle snoring sound as it passes in and out of the throat. A gentle rumble like a baby sleeping… like a waterfall in the distance… this is the psychic breath (ujjayi pranayama). When you have become established in the psychic breath, fold your tongue backwards with the tip towards the throat. The underside of the tongue rests against the roof of the mouth.
Deep, slow, psychic breath and folded tongue . . . continue these throughout the practice. Now, the next time you breath drop your chin to your chest (jalandhara bandha), open your eyes. Focus your awareness on mcoladhara chakra. Hold the breath outside while you say mentally ‘mooladhara, mooladhara, mooladhara’. With the psychic breath, breathe in and draw your awareness from mooladhara up the front of the body to the throat, then to bindu at the back of the head. Breath and awareness should move together from mooladhara to swadhisthana at the pubic bone, manipura at the navel, anahata in the chest, vishuddhi in the throat, then directly up and back to bindu. As your awareness moves from vishuddhi to bindu, lift the head slowly so that by the time you reach bindu, the head is slightly tilted backwards. Head tilted back, breath and awareness simultaneously reach bindu. Hold your breath. Hold your awareness in bindu. Repeat mentally ‘bindu, bindu, bindu’. Bend forward and grasp the big toe of the right foot with both hands. Keep the right leg straight, knee to floor.
Focus the eyes on the eyebrow centre (shambhavi mudra), and at the same time perform moola bandha. mentally ‘shambhavi’. Move your awareness to the eyebrow centre say Awareness at the root of the tongue say mentally ‘khechari’. Awareness at mooladhara chakra – say mentally ‘moola’. Third time: ‘shambhavi, khechari, moola’.Again: ‘shambhavi, khechari, moola’.
Release shambhavi mudra.

Release moola bandha. Straighten the spine and rest the hands on the knees. Come again to bindu, and with the psychic breath, breathe out through the spine. Synchronize your awareness as it descends through all the psychic centres – ajna, vishuddhi, anahata, manipura, swadhisthana to mooladhara. Breath and awareness should reach mooladhara together. Allow the head to drop forward slowly so that when your This is the end of one complete round. Do four rounds with the right leg forward. As you exhale, also let your eyes droop half-closed (unmani mudra). Allow the head to drop forward slowly so that when your exhalation is complete, the chin rests on the chest again (jalandhara bandha). Breathe out, awareness of mooladhara, spine straight, eyes half-open. Then four rounds with the left leg forward. Next, four rounds with both legs in front of the body. This is the complete practice of maha mudra in utthanpadasana.
Your article gave me a lot of inspiration, I hope you can explain your point of view in more detail, because I have some doubts, thank you.