Regarding food, if you have eaten the right quantity, then after eating you are energetic. If you are feeling lazy after eating, then you have had more food than what is required or more than what the system can digest. So everyday make sure when you finish eating you feel more energy than before. The food also should not be so little that you feel weak. So as long as you feel energetic you have the right quantity. As long as you need to sleep after eating, you have too much in quantity, so reduce it. This is a good test for the right quantity. Prophet Mohamed used to say, have one third of food, one third water and one third emptiness, air. So by air, he doesn’t mean gas. Let’s have it empty. That’s the right equation. Eating a little less than what we feel. Slightly less than what we feel like. “I am feeling much more hungry.” That’s another way to look at it. The food should lead us towards laziness and also not towards over-excitement. Those are types of good foods suiting the body. So one should do a Nadi Pariksha in which he checks the pulses and figures out his prominent type of the body, his Dosha. Either the prominent type of a body is Vat, Pit or Kaph. And according to that one comes up with a diet plan for what would be suitable for one’s body. If you don’t find any good Ayurvedic doctor who can test the Nadi well, you can also do a blood test to find out which foods are not suitable for your body. There are various blood tests available these days in the lab and you can find out which foods are allergic to the body and then you don’t eat them.
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