We know that energy moves because it is coagulation of quantum particles that are never at rest—but how does it move? Energy (or prana or chi) flows through a central channel or column of light called the Sushumna, which means “gracious” or “kind” in Sanskrit. All seven of the corporal chakras (meaning those attached to the human body) reside in the Sushumna; the secondary chakras discussed in this book, specifically the Earth Star and Soul Star chakras, flow above and below the Sushumna.
There are two energy lines called the Nadi, one masculine, and one feminine, that wrap around the Sushumna in a DNA-like spiral of light, crossing at the Muladhara or Root Chakra, Manipura, or Solar Plexus Chakra, Vissudha or Throat Chakra, and Sahasrara or Crown Chakra. At each of these energy centers, the masculine and feminine lines cross and merge. (Interestingly, the energy centers where the lines do not merge represent natural points of integration of masculine and feminine. This is true for the Sacral Chakra or point of conception of life; the Heart Chakra, or point of conception of love; and the Third Eye Chakra, or point of conception of wisdom.) Just as your central nervous system regulates and manages all messages within your physical body, your chakra system regulates and manages all messages within your subtle, or etheric, body.