The Solar Plexus Chakra sits two finger-widths above your belly button, in what is called the Power House of the energy field—your energy center of power and confidence. When this chakra is well-balanced and aligned with the rest of the chakras, you feel empowered, confident, and capable. It is the key to manifesting what you create at the Sacral Chakra.

There is much fulfillment to be had at the Solar Plexus Chakra. But there are cautionary tales to tell as well. An imbalanced Solar Plexus Chakra can lead you to feel either powerless or omnipotent, both of which are states of confusion and potential danger. As the saying goes, all things are in moderation. To use your power wisely in life, for the Greatest Good of All Beings, you must temper power with humility. Humility is the medicine the Solar Plexus chakra offers.