The Root Chakra sits at the base of your tailbone and is your center of stability. When it is out of alignment, you feel anxious, nervous, dizzy, or as if you have vertigo. When this chakra is overactive, you feel unable to make progress in your life, on personal or professional levels, and you feel stagnant in your primary relationships. Both extremes feel deeply troubling to you, as if your very life depends on the adjustment.

Root Chakra is your primary point of balance between the Below and the Above. An unbalanced or unattended Root Chakra can affect every aspect of your life, which is why many energy workers and Reiki practitioners take a bottoms-up approach to chakra work, beginning at the Root (or, even deeper, at the Earth Star) and work upward toward Source channels at the Third Eye, Crown, and Soul Star. When your Root Chakra is active, clear, and functioning well, you are free to move confidently in the world, knowing you are safe, supported, and seen.