Emotional Benefits of Meditation
• Meditation helps to release the unnecessary blocks that stop the natural happiness and joy from sprouting in the consciousness. The only way to
truly enjoy life is to become closer with the infinite self.
• Meditation can actually help cure phobias, by processing them rationally from a viewpoint outside your own fear.
• A person who meditates knows the thoughts arising in the mind, but is not controlled by them. For one who does not mediate, thoughts rule their
actions, often in ways they do not understand.
• Meditation makes the mind more compassionate. By cultivating unity and love, the mind starts seeing oneness in everything. Ego identification of the mind reduces by creating thoughtfulness and forgiveness.
Emotional Strength:
• Meditation helps one to become stronger internally. Anxiety, fear, worries etc. arising out of emotions gradually cease and your mind is stabilized by gaining freedom from all these distractions. Faith of the Self increases through intellectual thinking.
• Meditation uses visualization to control what emotions you wish you feel, and in turn can be an incredible tool in subverting fear and anger.
Emotional Balance:
• Balancing emotions is basically freedom from all the abnormal behavior arising from the ego. Such abnormal states can be overcome only by
practicing meditation regularly. Through the cleaning process of the mind, freedom is gained and thus balancing becomes possible.
• Your thinking process will become more critical and mind gains decisive nature, allowing you to make snap judgments based on all the i nformationyou have, rather than guessing at what should be done because you feel rushed.
• Self-communication improves with a good understanding over the thoughts with greater control.
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